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TransformSet Class

The TransformSet class is created to make it easy to define multiple reference frames, and the relations between them, as to make it easy for the developer to transform between two reference frames.


The reference frames are defined in a configuration file (toml format). An example can be found below:


translation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]   # [m]
orientation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
orientation_type = 'euler'
orientation_units = 'degrees'

translation = [0.0011, 0.0022, -0.1903]   # [m]
orientation = [-0.1, -0.1, -179.999]
orientation_type = 'euler'
orientation_units = 'degrees'

Requirements for a TransformSet configuration file:

  • One of the reference frames must be marked as a base.
  • The orientation_type must always be present (orientation_units are only needed for the types of rotation where it makes sense to define them).
  • When initializing a new TransformSet, such a configuration file must be given as an argument.
  • Consistency in the translation units

Application in Code

The following short script uses the frames.toml file to define two reference frames and transform a vector between them:

from pose_python import TransformSet
import numpy as np

frames = TransformSet(file='frames.toml')

vector = np.array([1, 1, 1])

new_vector = frames.change_frame(input=vector, from_frame='base', to_frame='acp')

The significant advantage here is that we can call the reference frames by name, and can therefore perform complex transformations easily and in a single line.

Member Variables

Name Type Description
frame_data dict Dictionary containing all of the data collected from the toml config file.
frame_names list List of all of the frames found in the config file.
transformations list List of all transformations extracted from the config file.

Class Methods

Name Description
__init__ Construction function - Will read and parse the data from the config file. Config file path is required as argument.
change_frame Apply transformation(s) to an input vector or pose.
wrench_change_frame Apply transformation(s) to an input wrench vector (np.ndarray of size 6).
transform_matrix Return transformation matrix of transformation required to pass from one frame to another.
__create_compound_transf Combine two transformations: the first going from origin frame back to base frame, and another going from base frame to the destination frame


Name Description Code Link Documentation Link
numpy The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
scipy General management of scientific data