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Transform Class

The Transform class contains all of the requirements to transform a vector, pose or wrench to another coordinate frame.

Member Variables

Name Type Description
name str Name to give to transform (must be set for every new instance).
orig str Name given to origin frame of reference.
dest str Name given to destination frame of reference.
translation np.ndarray Translation vector assigned to transformation (set to 0 at new instance).
rotation scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation Rotation class assigned to transformation (set to identity at new instance).

Class Methods

Name Description
print Print rotation and translation of transformation to console (will print rotation as euler angles in degrees).
inv Create new transformation that is the inverse of the current transformation.
apply Apply transformation to an input (can be a vector or a pose).
matrix Return a transformation matrix of the current transformation (can be homogeneous or not - Default: True)
random Assign random values to the rotation and translation elements of the transformation.


Name Description Code Link Documentation Link
numpy The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
scipy General management of scientific data