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Rotation2D Class

This class was created to mimic the capabilities of the scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation class for 2D usage.

Member Variables

Name Type Description
angle float Float to hold rotation angle (only a single value is needed in 2D space).

Class Methods

Name Description
__init__ Construction function - Set angle to 0
apply Apply rotation to input_vector
inv Create new rotation with inverted angle (thus an inverse rotation)
from_euler Set angles using euler angles value
from_matrix Set angles using rotation matrix
as_euler Return rotation as euler angle (degrees can be chosen as unit, default is radians)
as_matrix Return rotation as rotation matrix
identity Set rotation angle to 0
random Set rotation angle to random value between 0 and \(2\pi\)
align_vectors Set rotation angle to value that aligns two vectors
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numpy The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python