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Pose Class

This page covers the Pose and Pose2D class. For the 3D Pose class, this class is a wrapper around the following:

The 2D Pose2D class is a wrapper around the following:

The documentation for these classes can be found by clicking on their respective links.

Member Variables

Name Type Description
name str String to hold the name of the pose. This variable must be set when a new instance of the class is created.
position numpy.ndarray 3D array meant to to hold the position element of the pose.
orientation scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation Rotation element meant to hold the orientation of the pose.

Class Methods

Name Description
__init__ Constructor function: Requires name to be set, will set the position to [0, 0, 0] and the rotation to identity.
print Print the elements of the pose to the console (will print the rotation in euler angles).
random Set the position and rotation to random (mostly used for testing purposes).


Name Description Code Link Documentation Link
numpy The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
scipy General management of scientific data