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MS Office Templates

This is a quick guide to help create and use templates in MS Office.

Creating a Template

You can start to create a template by going opening the office app and heading to "View → Slide Master". You will then be able to see all of the slides that make up the template. You can edit them and rename the per-slide templates.

When finished creating the template, you can save it by doing the following:

Go to "File → Save", and save file with the .potx extension to the desired location.

Go to "File → Save as Template..." and save the template to the desired location.

Set Template Location

Correctly setting the template location is what will determine whether your teamplate shows up in the MS Office app or not.

On Windows you can set the desired location of your personal templates by going to "File → Options → Save → Default personal templates location", and setting the path there.

On macOS you unfortunately cannot set the location of the personal templates, the path is fixed at: ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Templates.

Note that this path is hidden by default, but you can see hidden files in Finder by pressing Cmd+Shift+. on the keyboard.