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Install Arch Linux


This guide is based off of the DistroTube Arch Linux Installation Guide 2020


There is a new method for installing Arch linux using a script, while this is still in beta, they are slowly starting to roll it out to users. You can find more infor below:

Base System Install

  1. Set keyboard layout:

    loadkeys fr_CH

  2. Check that internet services are working:


  3. Update the system clock:

    timedatectl set-ntp true && timedatectl status

  4. Partition the disks

    1. List the disks in your system:

      fdisk -l

    2. Open fdisk to create the partitions (in this example, we will assume that the disk is called /dev/sda)

      fdisk /dev/sda

    3. Inside fdisk - Create a new GPT partition table: Type g We will create 3 new partitions, as shown in table below:

      Partition # Type Size
      Partition 1 boot 550M
      Partition 2 swap 2G
      Partition 3 / (rest)
      1. Inside fdisk - Create Partition 1:

        • Type n to create a new partition
        • Type 1 to add a number to partition (1 will also be chosen as default)
        • Type (Enter) to select the default starting point for partition
        • Type +550M to select the size of the partition
      2. Inside fdisk - Create Partition 2:

        • Type n to create a new partition
        • Type 2 to add a number to partition (2 will also be chosen as default)
        • Type (Enter) to select the default starting point for partition
        • Type +2G to select the size of the partition
      3. Inside fdisk - Create Partition 3:

        • Type n to create a new partition
        • Type 3 to add a number to partition (3 will also be chosen as default)
        • Type (Enter) to select the default starting point for partition
        • Type (Enter) to select the remaining disk space to be allocated to partition 3
      4. Inside fdisk - Select partition types

        • Type t to start the partition type selection process
        • Type 1 to select which partition we will set
        • Type 1 to select the EFI System type
        • Type t to start the partition type selection process
        • Type 2 to select which partition we will set
        • Type 19 to select the Linux swap type

        Partition 3 should be set as Linux filesystem, however as that is the default setting when the partition was created, we don't need to change it.

      5. Inside fdisk - Write the partitions to the disk

        • Type w to write the partitions. This will also exit fdisk when executed
  5. Make the three filesystems for the three partitions that were created. Execute the following commands in order:

    mkfs.fat -F32  /dev/sda1    # Make FAT32 filesystem for 1st partition
    mkswap /dev/sda2            # Make swap filesystem for 2nd partition
    swapon /dev/sda2            # Turn on swap filesystem for 2nd partition
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3         # Make Ext4 filesystem for 3rd partition

  6. Mount the Linux filesystem partition

    mount /dev/sda3 /mnt

  7. Install base system for Arch:

    pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware

  8. Generate file system table:

    genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

  9. Change into the root directory:

    arch-chroot /mnt

  10. Set the time-zone (we set the Zurich timezone here):

    ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Zurich /etc/localtime && hwclock --systohc


    You can list the regions by running: ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/

  11. Set the locale

    1. Start by installing the vim editor:

      pacman -S vim

    2. Edit the /etc/locale.gen

      vim /etc/locale.gen

      • Uncomment the line of your choice (line with en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 or line with fr_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8)
      • Save and exit the file
    3. Run the command:


  12. Set the hostname

    1. Create and edit the /etc/hostname file:

      vim /etc/hostname

    2. Write the hostname of your computer (this is the name of the computer)


      Where <hostname> is the chosen hostname of the computer

    3. Edit the /etc/hosts file:

      vim /etc/hosts

      • There should be a few lines commented in this file
      • At the end of the file add the following       localhost
        ::1             localhost       <hostname>.localdomain      <hostname>
      • Save and exit the file
  13. Create password for root:


  14. Create non-root user and password for that user:

    useradd -m <username> && passwd <password>

    Where and are the chosen username and password.

  15. Give non-root user sudo rights:

    usermod -aG wheel,audio,video,storage,optical <username>

  16. Install sudo:

    pacman -S sudo

  17. Allow members for the wheel group to access sudo

    1. Open the visudo config file with vim:

      EDITOR=vim visudo

    2. Inside visudo - Uncomment the line about the wheen group (this will be under the User priviledge specification subtitle in the file, maybe line 82)

    3. Exit and save the file
  18. Install grub:

    pacman -S grub

  19. Install EFI associate packages:

    pacman -S efibootmgr dosfstools os-prober mtools

  20. Make EFI directory and boot directory:

    mkdir /boot/EFI

  21. Mount partition:

    mount /dev/sda1 /boot/EFI

  22. Run grub-install command:

    grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=grub_uefi --recheck --no-nvram --removable

  23. Generate grub config file:

    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Other Stuff Before Rebooting

  1. Install network manager:

    pacman -S networkmanager git

  2. Enable network manager with systemd:

    systemctl enable NetworkManager

  3. Exit out of chroot:


  4. Unmount the /mnt directory:

    umount -l /mnt

  5. Shutdown the system (don't reboot this way you have time to remove installation media):

    shutdown now

Install AUR and yay Utility

  1. Instal makepkg capabilities:

    sudo pacman -S base-devel

  2. Install AUR:

    git clone

  3. Go into the yay-git directory and make the arch package:

    cd yay-git
    makepkg -si