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Python Environment Setup

As Odyssey is a Django project (written in python). It is recommended to use a virtual environment to handle the project's dependencies.

Installing Python

To install python on your machine, it is recommended to use pyenv (or pyenv-win for Windows).

After having installed pyenv, you can install a specific version on your machine by running:

pyenv install 3.11.7

We recommend to install python 3.11.7 or later, as Odyssey was built using python 3.11.7.

Creating a Virtual Environment with Poetry

Installing Poetry

For creating a virtual environment, we recommend to use poetry, as Odyssey was built using this tool as well.

After having installed Poetry on your system, it is highly recommended to enable the configuration option. You can do this by running the following command:

poetry config true

This will make Poetry create .venv files in the project folder, making it much easier to manage the virtual environments that Poetry creates.

Installing Dependencies and Creating Virtual Environment

After having cloned this repo, you can install all dependencies and create a virtual environment by just running the command:

cd <path-to-odyssey-folder>
poetry install --group dev

This will install all required dependencies (listed in the pyproject.toml file).

All that’s left now is to add the seed data to the database!

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