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Overall Structure

The overall structure of the Odyssey database is shown below:

Odyssey Structure Odyssey Structure


Values & Units Tables

The values and units tables are one of the big strengths of the Odyssey framework, as they allow efficient and flexible storage of physical measurements in numerical, string or array forms. The units tables categorise units into different types, and conversions between units are accessible through the linear parameters defined with each unit.

While a base unit system is provided, users can add more units that are pertinent to their application if they need to.

Unit Type

This table defines the different types of units that are stored in the Unit table. Each UnitType entry contains the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text The name of the unit type


As its name implies, the Unit table stores all of the units along with their conversion factors. To simplify unit conversion, we define a base unit for each unit type. For each unit, we then define the factors to convert from that unit back to the base unit. We use the following formula to convert a value in an arbitrary unit \(x\) to a value \(y\) in the base unit:

\[ y = \frac{\left(x + x_{offset} \right) \cdot multiplicand}{denominator} + y_{offset} \]

Each Unit entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text The name of the unit
plural_name Text The plural name of the unit
space_after_value Bool Specifies if a space should be added between the value and the unit when printing the quantity (value and unit)
base_unit Unit Link to the base unit of the unit type (will be null if the entry is the base unit)
abbreviation Text Unit abbreviation
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
x_offset Decimal Value of \(x_{offset}\) compared to base unit
y_offset Decimal Value of \(y_{offset}\) compared to base unit
multiplicand Decimal Value of \(multiplicand\) compared to base unit
denominator Decimal Value of \(denominator\) compared to base unit


As multiple different types of values can be stored (strings, integers, decimal numbers and array), the Value table offers a single point where users can access this data. We have created this table so that developers that interact with Odyssey and its APIs have a high-performance (database-level) access point to values of any type (hence removing any logic that would required to check the desired type before querying the database). This can become very useful when searching for values, and is already used within the Odyssey database when another table links to a value.

Each Value entry is automatically created in the database when a new String, Integer, Decimal or Array is created and each Value entry contains the following data:

Column Name Type Description
content_type - The type of content that the entry is linking to (needed for database logic)
object_id Integer The id of the object we are linking to
content_object - This is the content of the object (this is what developers would need to access through this table)
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created


The String table contains all of the stored strings that are to be used as values. While using strings for containing numerical values is discouraged (there are specific tables for this). The odd case can still arise where a string is the only possible usable type.

Each String entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
string Text The text of the string
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
value Value The value that the entry is linked to


The Integer table stores integer values that can be linked to a unit (although this is optional).

Each Integer entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
integer Integer Integer value
unit Unit A linked unit (can be left blank)
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
value Value The value that the entry is linked to


The Decimal table stores any float number that can be linked to a unit (although this is optional).

Each Decimal entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
decimal Float The decimal number's value
unit Unit A linked unit (can be left blank)
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
value Value The value that the entry is linked to


The Array table stores any array of numbers that can be linked to a unit (although this is optional).

Each Array entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
array Array[Float] The array value
unit Unit A linked unit (can be left blank)
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
value Value The value that the entry is linked to


As configurations, software and hardware typically have versions assigned to them, we create a Version table to store all of these versions. We enforce the use of semantic versioning numbers with major, minor and patch number values.

Each Version entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text An associated name of the version
major Integer The major version number
minor Integer The minor version number
patch Integer The patch version number
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
description Text An optional description of the version


Typically when defining specifications, different ranges are defined that give a minimum and maximum bounds to the spec. The Range table is meant to hold such data.

Each Range entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text Name of the range
lower Value Lower value
upper Value Upper value
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created

Hardware Tables

Hardware Model

The HardwareModel table is meant to store the model of the assembled hardware. It is meant to store the assembly logic (which part goes where, and where different sub-assemblies are).

Each HardwareModel entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text Name of the hardware
position Text The position of the hardware in its assembly
parent HardwareModel The parent assembly (this will be empty if this is the top assembly)
version Version The version of this entry
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created


The Hardware table is meant to store all of the instances of physical hardware that were built. Each Hardware element is meant to reference a HardwareModel entry.

Each Hardware entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
serial_number Text The serial number (or part number) of the hardware
model HardwareModel The hardware model the this entry references
set Integer The set in which this entry belongs (can be left blank)
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created


As hardware can be treated in different ways in production, (initial build-up, repair, service, etc.), we create order numbers to keep track of the different types of treatment a piece of hardware with the same serial number can go through. We call these Order numbers.

Each Order entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
number Integer Order number
hardware Hardware Link to the hardware in question
order_type Text The type of order we are fulfilling
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created


Throughout production, different equipment is used. Typically in a production environment we wish to keep track of the equipment used. This is what the Equipment table is for.

Each Equipment entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text Name of the equipment
number Integer Equipment number (in case there are more than one of the same equipment)
calibration_ts Date & Time Date and time of when the equipment was last calibrated
parent Equipment The parent equipment (this will be empty if this is the top assembly)
status Text This field is meant to show if the equipment is being used, in calibration, or is free to use
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created

Production Tables

Production Step Model

Assembly and testing of hardware does not happen in a single step! The ProductionStepModel table is meant to hold all of the steps required for any assembly, repair, calibration or service procedure. Similarly to HardwareModel, it contains all of the entries that the production steps will refer to.

Each ProductionStepModel entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text The name of the production step model
parent ProductionStepModel The parent step model (so sub-steps can be added if necessary)
version Version The version of this step model entry
step_number Integer The step number (so that the order of each entry can be saved)
optional Bool Marker if the step is optional or not
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created

Production Step

The ProductionStep table is meant to store all of the production steps that actually happened. This allows the production team to keep track of where each piece of hardware that is being built is, and what progress is being made.

Each ProductionStep entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
order Order The order of the hardware in question
production_step_model ProductionStepModel The production step model that this production step refers to
status Text The current status of this production step
operator User The operator executing this step
start_ts Date & Time The date and time of when this production step was started
end_ts Date & Time The date and time of when this production step was completed


As with any automated handling of hardware, the configuration of an assembly tool, testing jig, or other material can have different configurations set. This is what the Configuration table is meant to store.

Each Configuration entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text The name of the configuration
parent Configuration The parent configuration
value Value The value of the configuration
hardware_model HardwareModel The hardware model that this configuration applies to
production_step_model ProductionStepModel The production step model that this configuration applies to
version Version The version of the configuration
description Text Description of the configuration
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created

Testing Tables

Throughout production, various tests are run on the hardware in question to ensure a certain level of quality specified by the intended customer. The tables below are meant to store this data as well as any non-compliances that can come up.


The purpose of this table is self-explanatory (it stores the measurements taken on a specific piece of hardware).

Each Measurement entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
parent Measurement The parent measurement
name Text The name of the measurement
value Value The value of the measurement
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
production_step ProductionStep The production step in which this measurement was taken


Each measurement that is taken is usually compared with a pre-defined specification, which is what the Specification table stores.

Each Specification entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text The name of the specification
valid_range Range The range in which we consider a measurement to be valid
applicable_scope Range The range in which we would want to check if a measurement is within the valid range
hardware_model HardwareModel The hardware to which the specification applies to
production_step_model ProductionStepModel The production step model that the specification applies to
group SpecificationGroup The specification group that this specification belongs to
description Text Description of this specification
severity Text How important this specification is
version Version The version of this specification
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created

Specification Group

As many specifications can be defined and are typically linked together, the SpecificationGroup table allows the data owner to create different groups to link each specification together.

Each SpecificationGroup entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text The name of the group
commencement_date Date & Time The date and time that this group's specifications come into effect
expiration_date Date & Time The date and time that this group's specifications expire
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created


Typically, each raw measurement (or a group of measurements) is processed into a resulting value, which is then compared with a list of specifications. The Result table is meant to hold onto this processed data.

Each Result entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
parent Result The parent result
name Text The name of the result
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
measurements Measurement (Many-to-Many) List of measurements this result was computed from
specification Specification The specification that this result should satisfy
value Value The value of this result
processor Processor The processor (that took the input measurements and computed this result)


A non-compliance (or NC for short) is created when a result does not meet a specification. The NonCompliance table holds all of these entries.

Each NonCompliance entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
result Result The associated result
status Text Indicator to mark if the non-compliance has been resolved, is under review, being resolved, etc.
decision Text Text describing the decision made (preferably including the reason why) (mostly for documentation purposes)
reporter User The user that reported the non-compliance
signer User The user that signed to make the final decision on the non-compliance
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
close_ts Date & Time When the non-compliance was closed

Non-Compliance Comment

Every non-compliance would usualy spark a new discussion. This table is meant to hold the comments made on an NC.

Each NonComplianceComment entry stores the following data:

Column Name Type Description
parent NonComplianceComment The parent comment (if it exists)
non_compliance NonCompliance The non-compliance entry that this comment refers to
author User The author of the comment
content Text The content of the comment
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created


As each measurement (or multiple measurements) might need to be post-processed into a result, the Processor table keeps track of the different post-processing scripts and actions that are taken for each measurement.

Each Processor entry contains the following data:

Column Name Type Description
name Text The name of the processor
create_ts Date & Time When this entry was created
version Version The version of the processor
production_step_model ProductionStepModel The production step model that this processor refers to
file_path File path The file path of the post-processing script